Monday, December 7, 2009

What do you use for the shine?

It is so long and silky... who do you use to keep the shine, my good man? How can a woman not hate on him for this? I know I am. I'll have you know it took everything I had to not try to pet the hair...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

'Tis the season

Yes, Christmas is a few weeks away but there are other ways to show your holiday spirit. THIS, my friends, is not it. Not. It.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Do these come in a Medium Husky?

I know that designs on the pockets of jeans are the "hip thing" but when it looks like something from Lion King on your ass, there's a problem. My first thought wasn't, "WOW! Tight jeans! Where'd you score those?!" It was more like, "WTF?! It looks like a kindergarten class did that one day as an art project and someone was stupid enough to think it would look good on a pair of jeans. Not to mention slap a price tag of one-fiddy on it." (I apparently had too many thoughts at once...) But what do I know. I'm lucky if I can match black with black.

Thanks again, Crafty!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Don't worry... it blends

I get the feeling this driver didn't read my previous post about using colored duct tape to fix a car. They make that shit in white and every other color of the rainbow. I will give them credit for keeping a clean line but wonder how long it will hold. Unless there is bailing wire and coat hangers holding that thing on, not very long. If that bumper flies off and hits my car, it will be on. Trust.